Character of the American television series "Escape" Theodore Bagwell

Popular series end sooner or later, but their characters continue to live in the memory of fans for a long time. Theodore Bagwell, one of the heroes of the telenovela "Escape", who saw the light in 2005, did not escape this fate. The culprit, brilliantly played by Robert Napper, was declared by critics to be one of the most interesting screen villains of the 21st century. What is known about the unusual character and the person who embodied his image?

Theodore Bagwell - who is he?

The hero does not have a real prototype, is a fictional character. Theodore Bagwell is among the most dangerous prisoners in the Fox River Prison. He suffers from pedophilia and personality disorder, is serving a life sentence for serious crimes, including murder, rape.

theodore bagwell

It is impossible not to tell about what prisoner Theodore Bagwell looks like. The actor who plays him is a tall, slender man. He has dark eyes, blond short hair and a neat beard. Fans of "Escape" the most memorable branded grin maniac.

The criminal talents that Theodore developed from early childhood provide him with a privileged position in prison. He has no competitors when it comes to using dirty tricks. Bagwell loves trampling others in the mud, demonstrates independence, a tendency to avenge any offense. The offender is endowed with iron will, which allows him to subjugate people. The maniac has such a talent as eloquence, many women fall under his charm.

Childhood and youth

Theodore Bagwell was born in 1959 in Alabama. His mother was a mentally defective girl who was forced to have sex by her own brother. From this connection a child was born. As a child, Theodore was also the victim of violence from his father. Interestingly, the crazy dad took care of the formation of the offspring, dreaming of growing the president out of him. He forced him to read all kinds of encyclopedias, so Bagwell has a broad outlook.

theodore bagwell actor

However, the child did not intend to become president, nor was he a law-abiding citizen. Already in the first years of his life, he attracted the attention of law enforcement officers with a cruel attitude to animals. The first acquaintance of the boy with the colony occurred in the fourth grade: he was detained while trying to burn the house of a teacher who didn’t please him. Then the young man joined the bloodthirsty gang of racists.

Bagwell's crimes became more and more cruel year after year. He easily killed, raped, beat people, hiding from law enforcement agencies.

Conclusion in the Fox River

The fatal mistake that Theodore Bagwell made was his romance with the beautiful Susan, who herself raised a son and daughter. The first serious love forced the man to embark on the path of correction, he even began to take care of the children of his chosen one. Accidentally seeing a television report on the crimes of her lover, Susan called the police. The betrayal of the lady of the heart made the maniac forever forget about his intention to start life from scratch.

theodore bagwell filmography

Initially, Ted, who received a life sentence, was sent to Donaldson Prison. Once behind bars, he almost immediately led the local racist group, which, under his leadership, became increasingly impudent. The prison governor was unable to fight an influential gang, which forced him to get rid of Bagwell. Therefore, he was transferred to the Fox River.


Of course, the criminal abilities endowed with the brutal criminal allowed him to quickly declare himself in the new prison. There was no active racist group here, which did not prevent the prisoner from organizing it immediately. No wonder Theodore Bagwell from the TV series “Escape” was remembered by fans of the telenovela as one of the most powerful prisoners.

Theodore Bagwell from the series Escape

The loss of freedom did not force this person to change his habits. He easily forced other prisoners to have sex, offering protection for this from the atrocities of his cellmates. Among them were victims who tried to cope with him and paid for it.

Escape from the Fox River

The main character, Michael, immediately after being sent to prison, turns out to be Theo's main opponent. The unflappable Scofield does not intend to submit to the prison leader, which Bagwell does not like. The tension between them increases when the maniac’s partner becomes the victim of another clash of racists with black prisoners. Theodore intends to pay off with Michael, whom he blames for the death of a friend. However, upon learning of his enemy’s intention to leave the prison walls, he forces him to blackmail him into a group of conspirators.

The prisoners are implementing the escape plan in the final series of the debut season. Not trusting Michael, Theodore Bagwell handcuffs him to himself, gets rid of the key. On the first day of being in the wild, an escaped prisoner kills a person. In the end, his behavior jeopardizes the safety of the whole group. This forces Scofield to get rid of his “partner” by cutting off his hand.

The escape ends badly for Theo. The police find him, as a result of which Bagwell again falls into the territory of the same prison.

Actor Information

Of course, the character’s popularity is largely due to the personality of the performer of this complex role. Robert Nepper was already known in the world of cinema when he played a man like Theodore Bagwell. The filmography of the actor, who turns 57 this year, includes over 100 film projects and TV shows.

This is not the first time that Napper has successfully embodied the image of a villain. Among his characters were: a lascivious smuggler, a convinced drug addict, a blackmailer producer. He plays negative heroes in "Carrier 3", "Heroes", "City of Gangsters". However, it was Bagwell who remained his stellar role, which gave the American real fame.

theodore bagwell photo

When the actor is asked why such a negative character was liked by the audience, he replies that he tried to convey the character of a living person, to feel him to the smallest detail. Robert Nepper is in a second marriage, has a son. Among the new film projects with his participation, the final part of the epic “The Hunger Games” and the drama “Painted Cards” can be noted.

That's all you can tell about such a cult villain as Theodore Bagwell. Photos of the hero are presented in this article.


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