What are eggs for? Collecting Eggs: The Meaning and Interpretation of Sleep

About what eggs dream of (to collect them, wash, break, eat), is described in detail in many interpreters. This vision is symbolic, and therefore it is not recommended to ignore it. On the contrary, you should look into several popular dream books in order to find predictions of future events in them. Or you can read this article, which contains all the answers to questions related to this topic.

According to Miller

Interpretations that help to understand why dreams about collecting eggs are described in detail in this popular interpreter. It is believed that such a plot is a positive sign, foreshadowing the replenishment of the budget and the general establishment of material well-being.

In a vision, a man scored a whole basket? This promises him a successful change. Very soon, he will receive a profitable, attractive offer, which is not something that will be difficult to refuse - it is not worth doing it at all.

That dream is also good, in the story of which a man found a nesting place of a wild bird with eggs, and then decided to collect them. Such a vision portends an inheritance or pleasant financial surprises.

Negativity can only be expected from collecting bad, broken, and missing eggs. This vision portends failure and sorrow. The onset of the real black strip is not ruled out.

why dream of collecting eggs in the chicken coop

Moon Dream Book

It is also worth a peek into it, wanting to find out what the eggs are for. Collecting them in a chicken coop is a wealth that will fall on a person so suddenly that for a long time he will not be able to believe in him.

The main thing is that they are not painted. Because such an interesting plot speaks of the improper use of funds by man.

Did you see a large number of chicken clutches specifically for hatching chickens? In general, such a vision promises the successful completion of the work begun. But only if a person did not allow the chickens to hatch, since they collected eggs, trouble is coming. If in the near future some important business was planned, it would be better to postpone it for later.

The interpreter of Medea

And this book talks about what eggs dream of. Collecting them and seeing that they are broken is a warning sign from above. In the near future, a person will have to be vigilant so as not to find himself in a predicament.

But it happens that a person dreams of the process of folding eggs in a basket and their further discharge into the trash. Such a strange vision is a sign of waste. But if a person carefully and reverently collected testicles, but then accidentally dropped a basket and they all crashed, this promises him failure. Soon it will be necessary to overcome many obstacles on the way to the intended goal.

collecting eggs in a dream to a woman

21st Century Dream Interpretation

Continuing to talk about what dreams of collecting a lot of eggs, you need to look into this book. If they were fresh, then nothing good would happen. But rotten eggs with a clear aroma of hydrogen sulfide are considered a harbinger of exacerbation of chronic diseases and the appearance of sudden health problems.

Did a man dream how he collected fresh ones, and put the rotten ones aside with the intention of throwing them away? So, in reality he will have work to do, which will have to spend a considerable amount of energy and strength. But labor will be ungrateful, it will earn very little.

By the way, it is also important which bird acted as a laying hen. Here are some options:

  • Goose symbolizes successful business and prosperity.
  • Wild bird - to communicate with distant relatives or friends with whom communication has long ceased.
  • Duck - to receive news from a loved one who has gone somewhere far away.
  • Quail - to small, but frequent expenses that will affect the budget.
  • Ostrich personifies the experience of the little things.
pick eggs in a dream why dream

Interpreter of Aesop

If you want to delve into symbolism, then you need to turn to this dream book. It also tells in detail about what dreams of collecting eggs in the chicken coop, with an emphasis on the value of the image itself.

It is believed that the egg symbolizes the origin of life. And therefore, being in a context in a dream, it personifies a personโ€™s readiness or even desire for renewal and spiritual rebirth. Especially fresh, in shell, which, in turn, represents strength and power.

But if a person collected eggs, and then went to cook and eat, vision automatically takes on significance. Such a plot indicates that in reality he pays too much attention to an unnecessary, empty business.

The dreamer was not going to eat them, but accidentally dropped and broke due to negligence? This is a warning: in reality, through his careless actions, he can destroy his happiness.

But if a person gathered a whole mountain of fresh eggs and admired it in a vision, one can rejoice. Such a plot promises him well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Interpretations offered by this interpreter also deserve special attention. Why dream of collecting a lot of chicken eggs? Generally to caution. This vision calls for the manifestation of precisely this quality.

A personโ€™s affairs will go well, but only if he doesnโ€™t take any risky steps.

If the dreamer collected eggs in a basket and at that moment the chicken laid one more, it means that soon his financial situation will improve. And all of a sudden. And the egg, laid for some reason by the rooster, portends the profit from the victory in a controversial, doubtful business.

The main thing is that they are not rotten. This is a sign of frustration. After such a plot, it is not recommended to trust seductive offers, as they will result in large losses.

why dream of collecting a lot of eggs

Dream Interpretation from "A" to "Z"

This famous book presents many interesting interpretations. You just need to remember the ghostly details in order to apply one of them. But above it was already said what to expect if I had the opportunity to collect eggs in a dream. Why dream of krashenki with fancy patterns? This is a more interesting question. There are such options:

  • Black and brown flowers depicted? Perhaps someone wants to tell the dreamer something important. It is possible that we are talking about his relatives.
  • The green color scheme represents fertility. Probably, an addition is expected in the family. Not necessarily a child: maybe someone will marry or get married. If none of this is planned, then we should expect the onset of the stage when many ideas will be born and all creative aspirations will be embodied.
  • Did a man collect eggs painted red? This promises him a life abundant in all abundance.

It happens that a person collects goose eggs, for some reason laid by chickens. This suggests that he is entangled in others. Probably, a person does not understand which of his circle is a pretender, and who is a true friend. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor random phrases and actions of comrades.

But this is not all that the dream book tells. What eggs dream about (pick them up, fold them, etc.) is clear. But what if it was like someone else doing it? Unfortunately, vision does not bode well.

Perhaps someone will try to "sit on the neck" of the dreamer or even become his dependent. Be that as it may, in the near future it is not recommended to provide assistance to people, which, by their appearance, they do not need.

dream book why dream to collect eggs

Esoteric interpreter

One cannot ignore this well-known book with its predictions regarding what chickens and eggs dream of. Collecting them and drinking them right away is a serious obstacle that you will have to face in achieving any goal. Unfortunately, it will take a lot of effort.

Did you see the process of folding raw goose eggs to boiled chicken? This plot embodies the insidiousness of business partners or colleagues. In the near future should be more attentive to all labor issues.

The interpreter also says about what the quail eggs dream of, which they have to collect in the basket. Meaning is unkind, portends regret. Soon, a person will have to experience it. It is also possible that he was obsessed with some obsession and wasted time. It's time to stop focusing on what fits these criteria and move on.

why dream about quail eggs to collect

Female dream book

Did the girl see herself picking eggs in the chicken coop? Then she can be happy. Soon, everything she was unhappy with would be slowly getting better. The girl will not even understand how a white streak comes in her life. However, some event will definitely convince her of this.

But that is not all that a woman should expect. Collecting eggs in a dream is also a success in love and career. But only if the girl was harvesting the crop, taking it directly from under the hens. For single individuals who do not seek to achieve stunning success and build relationships, such a vision promises triumph.

For some reason, did the girl end up at the poultry farm, where she collected countless eggs? This also promises love. And one that eclipses absolutely all previous relationships, without exception. She literally dissolves in her chosen one, immersed in passion with her head.

Of great importance is the dream in which the girl collected eggs for the purpose of selling. This means that soon some idea of โ€‹โ€‹her will give a result that she herself did not expect. Of course, this will be expressed in monetary terms.

Dream Interpretation

Finally, it is worth paying attention to the interpretations proposed in this book and not previously mentioned.

Happens, very strange visions dream. These include the one in which a person collected eggs on graves. The vision is unpleasant, and it has the same meaning. In real life, troubles are coming. In the near future, it is not recommended to enter into any disputes, much less to prove the case. A seemingly ordinary action can lead to serious consequences. And justice will triumph in the end anyway.

In a dream, a man collected eggs, and then went to fry fried eggs? Oddly enough, but this speaks of promiscuous sexual intercourse. They will not lead to anything good, therefore it is worth thinking about how to stop.

why dream of collecting a lot of chicken eggs

Universal interpreter

Did the dreamer collect the eggs, and then he took one of them and, concentrating, broke the shell? Such a vision symbolizes independence and the formation of personality. The main thing is not to accidentally get dirty with yolk or protein. Because it promises the pursuit of enemies.

The eggs collected and accidentally broken then indicate that soon the dreamer will strongly offend the careless word of someone who is really dear to him. Therefore, it is better to think in the near future before pronouncing something.

Did a man lay eggs in a basket to put them under a laying hen? Probably in reality he bears some really interesting idea, but he cannot realize it on his own. However, you should not be upset - an influential person will help him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9904/

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