How to send a guy culturally: useful tips

If your relationship with the guy has run out and you no longer see further coexistence, then most likely the time has come to part. If the situation is not too serious, and you are a cultured girl, and you don’t want to leave with a scandal, then we offer a couple of options for how to send a guy culturally and as quickly as possible.

how to send a guy culturally
First, it should be noted that absolutely all the guys are divided into several categories, and in order to quickly send a guy away, you need to know what type he is. Then it will already be possible to think about how to send a guy away, select phrases that should be used, and decide how to approach this problem.

Let's conditionally divide all the guys into the following types:

  • Good guy. This is a fairly common category of guys with whom it is very comfortable to communicate and meet. He will throw you gifts and flowers, drive to the cinema and look after him beautifully. However, their behavior is quite commonplace, and some girls get bored with them after a certain period of time. This type of guy is predictable, so if the girl is smart enough, he will be visible at a glance. Some people are satisfied with this situation, but most girls begin to think about how to send a guy a culture and find an interesting option. With such a guy you need to clearly and clearly place all the “points above and”, otherwise the uncertainty will only push him to improve relations with you. He will try to change something in himself or in the situation, and you no longer need this. A good guy needs to be made clear right away that he is not your type, then you won’t have to think about how to send a guy off culturally due to his misunderstanding of the situation.
  • Arrogant guy. If it’s easy enough to part with a guy’s first type, and you don’t even need to arrange tantrums for this, then the guy who is a brazen type will not leave you alone. A guy can not be repelled in 10 days due to his natural impudence. He will guard you at the entrance, arrange tantrums and interrogations, with whom you were and where. As with the first type, you will have to speak as clearly as possible, because he will not understand differently and decide that you are just flirting. Foggy hints will not work here, this will only aggravate your situation. Do not be afraid of the arrogant guy, because his behavior is just a complex, because he is afraid of losing you and that's why he checks.
    send guy in 10 days
  • Sissy. Another type that so quickly will not leave you behind. The meaning of his life is you, and he is trying, by hook or by crook, to show this and prove it. He has absolutely no pride of his own, and even if they tell him about breaking up, he will be offended at first, then he will start throwing with the phrases “You will be mine anyway!” and “You will not get anywhere,” and in a couple of days will ask you for forgiveness. In a similar situation, the girls begin to get lost and ask the question: "How to send a guy off culturally if he does not understand any hints or the most direct words?" With a sissy, one should not show weakness. If he sees this, immediately wait for fervent promises and reconciliation. If you do not want this, then try to tell him about the separation as soon as possible in order to gain freedom and independence. Over time, he will forget you, but up to this point it is better just do not pay attention to him.
  • Manipulator. Probably, this type is the most problem-free, because it is only trying to manage and adjust you for you. Most often they do it brilliantly, and you calmly take his decisions for your own. However, as soon as you take off your pink glasses and begin to act according to your own principles, you will immediately dislike the manipulator and it will disappear. With a similar type you need to have a sound mind and not go on about emotions.

how to send guy phrases
In any case, it is recommended that you first decide whether you really want to leave this person. Indeed, quite often we do not value what we have. Do not miss your chance!


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