How to refund money for a purchase in the AppStore: all methods, tips and tricks

Many users of "apple" devices sometimes buy useful applications for their own use. True, the situations are different. So, sometimes the application can be purchased by accident. This can be done by the child due to his own inexperience or there can be a host of other reasons. What to do in this case? How to return money for a purchase in the AppStore? Unfortunately, you will not find the opt-out button anywhere, and the return procedure is a bit more complicated than a normal user would expect.

Return Recommendations

Via computer

All applications and games that you purchased in the App Store, you can return within a day. If you do so, then the funds will go to you in full. To make a refund, you will need to use the desktop version of iTunes. Therefore, before returning money for a purchase in the AppStore, you will need to install the program on your computer. It doesn't matter if you have a MacBook or any other computer model.

Another caveat: the company will need to explain why you decided to return the money. If your game often does not work or is turned off, then you can ask for a refund. This is the most common reason for a refund, but you need to know about some of the pitfalls. If you write immediately to Apple and tell us what the application or game lags, they will redirect you to the developer. You will need to talk with the developer, ask him to fix the problem. If he writes that there are no problems or they cannot be eliminated, or if he transfers the blame to the "apple" giant, then you may be refunded. Therefore, first write to the developer, get some answers from him, and then attach screenshots of communication with the developer in the letter to Apple, then the refund will be faster.

What to do if the application does not match the description

Problem selection

It happens that you buy an application or game, and it completely does not correspond to the description. And you may immediately be interested in the question of how to return money for a purchase in the AppStore from a phone or any other device. No one is pleased when they deceive him. In such cases, it is much easier to return the money, but you need to carefully read the description: are there footnotes, posts about the comic of the application, and so on. For example, the application "X-ray". Everyone understands that the program does not work as an X-ray and will not be able to scan a person’s body, however, the appendix contains an annotation about his jokes. And in such a situation, you will not be able to return the money, because the developer warned in advance in the description. If the screenshots in the game and in the description are different, there is no explanation anywhere, feel free to make a return - Apple will consider the claim justified, and the money will be returned to you.

Small life hack

If you are thinking about how to return money for a purchase in the AppStore for some application, then make sure that your purchase was not erroneous. Perhaps you simply made a mistake with the icons or names. AppStore has similar apps. Some even have the same icons, and they are in the same section. If so, then the chance of a refund increases several times.

How to start the return procedure?

Return Start

Are you interested in how to return money for a purchase in the AppStore without a computer? Know, it is difficult to do this, because the basis of the method is the age of funds - just using a computer. If you have an iPhone or iPad, then a refund will be possible only through email and receipt from Apple.

So, the return is made out in three ways:

  • through the iTunes application on a personal computer (you will first need to log in to the program);
  • in the browser of the iPhone or iPad;
  • via an Apple receipt that comes to your email.

Refunds via computer

Purchase history

If you are interested in how to return money for a purchase in the AppStore using a computer, then you will need to do the following:

  1. Open iTunes on your computer, it doesn’t matter if it is a MacBook or another model.
  2. Go to the main page of the store, find the “Quick Links” section, then open the “Account” item. In the window that appears, enter your account information.
  3. In the right column, click on “Account”. Now you will go to the page where the information about your account is indicated, where it is possible to view the purchase history and make a refund.
  4. Scroll to the end of the page and you will see the “Purchase History” item. Now click on “See. all".
  5. Open your list of recent purchases and downloads. Find the application for which you want to return the funds.
  6. Click on the arrow to the left of the name of the application in order to see the description of the application or game in more detail.
  7. Now click on "Report a problem." The list will contain a link "Report a problem", and you click it. The most important thing is to submit an application no later than one day from the date of purchase.
  8. A refund page will appear in the browser. Fill in all the parameters of your account and proceed to the description of the problem.
  9. Here you need to explain to Apple why you want to return the application. Of course, if you buy applications daily and return them, then after a while you will receive refusals. Keep in mind, the reason "I did not like the application ..." will not work, for this they will not return the money in any way. It’s all because opinions are subjective: you can assume that the application is bad, but someone likes it. "Do not like it" - this is not the reason!
  10. Now choose a problem from the list of proposed ones and write a long comment in English. Apple, of course, provides you with several ready-made options from which you can choose.
  11. After writing the application, click the "Submit" button. You will be notified shortly that your claim has been accepted and is being considered.

Before you return the money for the purchase in the AppStore on the iPhone, you will also receive an email stating that an employee is working on your application. It will take two days to wait before you receive a full response from support. You will either receive a refund or be asked to clarify something, take screenshots, and so on, or simply refuse.

How to refund money for a purchase in the AppStore through the Apple website?

Via iphone

The second method of refund is similar to the first, but it is somewhat simpler. If you already know the link of the Report Problem section, which is located on the Apple website, then you can immediately go there without manipulating iTunes. This method is suitable for everyone! Many people choose it because it is possible to return funds directly from the iPhone or iPad, because you only need to have a browser. So if you are looking for a way to return money for a purchase in the AppStore on an ipad, then this method is just for you! Go to the Apple website, log in, find the application you want to return, and click on Report Problem, describing the essence of your problem.

Tip: do not use the refund too often, otherwise you will always have refusals in the future, even if you are right.

If this is your first time wanting a refund, the chance of a return is very large. Success still depends heavily on the time that has passed since the acquisition of the game or application: the sooner you decide to speak with the support team, the better for you.

Refund on receipt


You should know that you have the opportunity to return your funds if 90 days have not passed since the purchase. If this period has already passed, then the money will not be returned to you. If the time has not passed yet, then you should learn how to return the money for a purchase in the AppStore in 90 days. The first thing you need to do is contact the application support team. If the developer understands, then he can return the money in person. This will greatly simplify the whole thing, but this rarely happens. Typically, the developer refuses to return to the user. Now your task is to get a response from the developer in such a way that he refers to "technical barriers", and not to personal unwillingness to make a return. Often, the developer can shift the responsibility to Apple. Save the answers as a screenshot. Now you need to find the transaction in your email. There is a link to the “excuse page” where you need to provide a reasoned description of the problem. It’s better to write that the purchase was completed without your approval. Only this column will lead you to a letter to the operator. Now you need to show your eloquence. You can transfer the purchase to children, you can mention that you did not use the application (the company will verify this, therefore indicate it if this is true). In the letter, attach screenshots from the developer, where he took responsibility and transferred everything to Apple (upload the screenshot to the cloud and just attach the link). Such complaints are considered by a real person, therefore you need to be convincing. The support service responds within 4 days, and a refund should be expected from ten business days to a month, it all depends on the amount and region of residence.

What tips can I give on returning?

Selecting a problem on the computer

Be aware that all letters must be written in English first. Letters should be eloquent, without a subjective assessment of the quality of the application or game. Write that the children bought the game or application, and you did not give your consent to this. You can refer to a friend who knows phone passwords. Do not write that you did not use the application: if it is not, the company will check everything. In addition, if you actively used the game, quickly passed it and decided that now you can return the money, you will be refused: it will not be difficult to track your activity, and the support service will understand that this is a hoax.


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