What color to paint the kitchen, taking into account the rules for combining tones?

Our house is our fortress, in it we must feel protected, we should be cozy, calm and comfortable. That is why before you make repairs in such a significant room as a kitchen, you need to decide how much time you spend on it. Psychologists have proved that each color has a special effect on the human body, so you need to follow all the rules and patterns when painting the kitchen.

What does color have to do with a person’s mood and well-being?

Before starting repairs, you must ask yourself the question: what color to paint the kitchen in? For example, red color is the causative agent of the human nervous system, it awakens all the functions of the body. Choosing it as the basis of the color scheme of the kitchen, it is worth remembering that it stimulates the appetite. Given the current trends in weight loss, girls choose this color for the kitchen is undesirable. As well as hypertensive patients and people with unbalanced psyche.

Orange color is also very bright, beautiful and saturated. If you think what color it is better to paint the kitchen, and chose orange, then remember that it is softer than red. A person from a psychological point of view has a favorable attitude to this tone: it improves mood, stabilizes well-being. It is proved that the orange color improves the digestive system.

what color to paint the walls in the kitchen

Yellow color has a very positive effect on the human body, it does not tire eyesight, it has a good effect on a person’s mood. In the morning this tone will be very handy, it will give vitality to the body, drive away the remnants of sleep. Having met morning in such a kitchen, a person will definitely have a good day, because yellow symbolizes the sun.

Perhaps by asking yourself the question of what color the kitchen can be painted in, you realize that you prefer green shades. You can be sure that they bring peace and healing. Green is able to relax a person, calm him, but at the same time, he improves performance. It also affects blood pressure, it becomes more even and balanced. Thus, green is the most win-win and more profitable compared to others.

The choice of colors for the kitchen according to the rules of the cardinal points

Before everyone, sooner or later, the question arises of what color to paint the kitchen. There are certain professional secrets and rules that will help you find the answer to this question. The most common recommendation is to choose the color of the cardinal points. There are several fundamental principles.

what color to paint the kitchen

If the kitchen windows face south, then it is worth the whole room painted in cool colors. These include blue, light shades of blue, purple and muted lilac. If the kitchen windows are facing the north side, then the room should be painted in warmer colors. These are orange, golden, red, pink and their shades.

Visual expansion of the room with color

Color does amazing things, it can expand the space favorably, and can narrow it down, making it dark and gray. It is worth remembering that if the kitchen is not large in size, then bright and saturated colors in one tone should not be used. Such shades will make the room even smaller and cramped. Soft pastel tones, neutral colors and warm shades are able to correct the situation.

what color can the kitchen be painted

If you still want something bright and fun, you can resort to using accessories. If the kitchen is large and combined with the dining room, then you should turn to the help of bright colors that will highlight the functional areas. If the space has an elongated shape, then it is necessary to paint it in white or cream, sand colors. Fans of all the catchy and spectacular can say that only one wall is painted bright in the case of a small room - the one that has the headset. If the space is large, then it is better not to use white and cold shades of colors.

Kitchen color selection sequence

Never rush to choose a color for painting, always follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Before analyzing the question of what color to paint the kitchen, you need to choose a design style. Favorite options of designers: retro, country, English style, Spanish, modern. Each option has its own rules for execution and execution. You may have to decide on what color to paint the walls in the kitchen, taking into account the trends of the chosen style.

  2. Analyze which color you generally like the most. If in the chosen style it will be superfluous, then get some accessory of your favorite shade. It can be dishes, a table, sets, vases, frames or cutlery.

  3. It is worth choosing wallpaper or paint for the walls of the kitchen.

  4. After choosing this or that building material, take its sample and attach it to the wall. This way you can understand whether this option is suitable for you or will be inappropriate. Do not forget that such a test should be carried out at different times of the day to fully see the picture of the future cuisine.

Color matching kitchen walls

Based on the above, you can understand that there are a lot of styles and options for finishing a kitchen. You just need to choose the appropriate color of the walls, which will be right for you. If the style is classic, then it is advisable to paint the walls in white, peach or cream shades. In this case, the furniture is better to choose brown.

what color is better to paint the kitchen

The color of the walls also depends on the furniture. If it is light shades or even white, then it is better to paint the kitchen in bright green, red, yellow or burgundy colors. When painting walls in bright colors, remember that this will shift the focus on them. Furniture will be in the background, this will hide the flaws of the latter. Of course, light is of great importance. If there is a lot of natural light, and the room itself is quite bright, then it is better to use bright colors and palettes. If the room is dark, then it is worth using a lot of artificial light sources, which means that bright shades will be superfluous.

What colors can not be used when decorating the kitchen

Now the choice of color and texture of the material is very wide, but still there are options that are not recommended. Regardless of the size and location of the kitchen, avoid black and chestnut shades. It is these two shades that make the kitchen dark, gloomy and cramped anyway. The color of the wallpaper, paint or tile affects not only the mood, but also the person’s appetite, and therefore his health, because such dark palettes should not be used at all. If you still like the colors, then buy a few small accessories and simply decorate the room with them.

The choice of color when painting the ceiling of the kitchen

Choosing the style of the kitchen, you also need to pay great attention to the ceiling. Even white already bored everyone, I want to diversify the routine. A very winning option would be a plasterboard ceiling. You can choose a variety of shapes, light sources and even color. In addition, stretch ceilings are popular , they can also be a wide variety of shades.

what color to paint the ceiling in the kitchen

The important question in this case is what color to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, and the answer to it is not so complicated. Shades in the interior should be balanced and interact well. The color of the ceiling must be in harmony with the walls and furniture. For example, the beautiful color of the sea wave, in which the ceiling is painted, should be diluted with beams of the same color as the furniture, white will be beneficial. If the room is cold and there is not enough heat in it, then the color of the ceilings is selected in a warm palette. It can be mustard, eucalyptus, peach colors. Any version of green goes well with yellow and orange colors.


So, we were faced with the question of what color to paint the kitchen. The answer to it requires imagination and flight of thoughts, it is based on the desires and goals of each individual person. It is not so easy to choose the color of the ceiling, walls and furniture; many rules and patterns must be taken into account.

what color to paint the kitchen photo

An excellent solution would be to use several shades within the same palette or apply different color schemes. The main thing is that they are combined with each other and favorably influence yourself. What color to paint the kitchen? The photos in the article will give you only food for thought. Trust your imagination, and it will pleasantly surprise you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9915/

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