Beta carotene - what is it? Beta carotene in foods

Experts say that it is especially important for every person to enrich their body with a substance such as beta-carotene daily. What it is? Read on.

Beta carotene - what is it?

beta carotene what is it
"Elixir of youth", "source of longevity", "natural protective weapon" - these names characterize a unique substance. It is called beta-carotene. What it is? Let's try to figure it out.

Scientists note: provitamin A or, in other words, beta-carotene, E160a is a yellow-orange plant pigment that belongs to the carotenoid group. These substances are formed during photosynthesis. Mushrooms, algae and beta-carotene bacteria are also produced. This dye in the body is able to turn into retinol (vitamin A).

Beta Carotene Properties

beta carotene in foods
To slow down the aging process in the body, reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases, strengthen immunity, experts recommend consuming foods that contain beta-carotene. What is it and what are its functions?

- First: provitamin A is necessary for cell growth.

- Second: beta-carotene restores vision.

- Third: E160a supports healthy nails, hair and skin.

- Fourth: beta-carotene is needed for the full functioning of the sweat glands.

- Fifth: provitamin A affects the development of the embryo during pregnancy.

- Sixth: E160a strengthens the enamel of teeth and bones.

Better Beta Carotene Compared to Vitamin A

E160a is much more useful than regular retinol. It turns out that with an overdose of vitamin A, the following symptoms are observed: nausea, vomiting, joint pain, itching, colic in the abdomen, digestive tract disorders.

Beta-carotene does not cause such side effects. The principal advantage of E160a is that it is completely non-toxic and in large quantities does not pose a threat to human health.

Provitamin A has the ability to be deposited in a depot (subcutaneous fat). Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the amount that is necessary for the human body at a particular stage of its functioning.

How beta-carotene is absorbed in the body

beta carotene e
The above vitamin is absorbed in the intestines. The absorption of beta-carotene depends on a factor such as the completeness of rupture of the cell membranes. Scientists say that it is because of this that whole carrots are digested much worse than, for example, mashed carrots .

In addition, experts note that heat treatment of products contributes to the destruction of 30% of this vitamin.

Beta-carotene, like all carotenoids, is a fat-soluble vitamin. This means that fats are necessary for its absorption. Therefore, doctors recommend eating carrots with sour cream or vegetable oil.

It should be noted that provitamin A is accompanied by extremely important antioxidants, such as vitamin E and C. They enhance each other's action. Vitamin E also contributes to better absorption of the above substances.

Provitamin A deficiency in humans

beta carotene dye
If an insufficient amount of E160a is ingested, the following problems may occur:

  • "Night blindness" (when visual impairment is observed at low light);
  • redness of the eyelids, dry mucous membranes of the eyes, watery organs of vision in the cold;
  • dry skin;
  • dandruff and split ends;
  • brittle nails;
  • frequent viral infections;
  • hypersensitivity of tooth enamel.

The reasons that lead to the above symptoms are different. This is primarily an unbalanced diet. That is, foods with a limited amount of fat and high-grade proteins are consumed.

Secondly, a deficiency of this vitamin is also caused by metabolic disorders with too heavy use of E160a.

In addition, a variety of diseases of the liver, pancreas and biliary tract can provoke a lack of the above substance.

Daily requirement for provitamin A

It is known that every person needs to receive beta-carotene daily. Vitamin E160a is indispensable, and its daily requirement is about 5 mg.

There are some groups of people who are primarily interested in providing their body with the above substance:

  • if they live in ecologically unfavorable areas;
  • exposed to x-rays;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • if taking medications that violate the absorption of fats.

It is also interesting that people living in colder climates need less beta-carotene than those living in hot regions.

What foods contain the above provitamin A

beta carotene vitamin
Interestingly, the lowest content of E160a is in yellow plants, medium in orange color, and high in bright red products.

Beta carotene in foods contains the following:

  • in vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, zucchini, broccoli, sweet potato, green peas);
  • in fruits (melon, apricots, cherries, mangoes, plums, nectarine).

Carrot is a leader among all the above products. It contains about 6.6 mg of provitamin A.

Also contains beta-carotene in products such as, for example:

  • mustard;
  • medicinal dandelion ;
  • green beet leaves.

The concentration of this substance in vegetables and fruits depends on the degree of maturity and season.

Provitamin A Reviews

beta carotene reviews
On the Internet there are a lot of opinions of people who took beta-carotene. Their reviews are 100% positive. No side effects have been reported.

Beta carotene helped them to strengthen their hair and nails, as well as eliminate dandruff. Their reviews also indicate that with the use of the above drug the skin condition improves, and such unpleasant phenomena as redness of the eyelids and dryness of the mucous membranes of the eye are also eliminated.

In addition, a separate group of responses consists of the opinions of people who, as a result of taking the drug, felt a decrease in fatigue and a surge of new strength. Their mood improved significantly and even in some cases the depressed state disappeared.


Beta-carotene (E160a in other words) is not dangerous for the human body. It is neither toxic nor carcinogenic. It also does not contribute to the development of mutations, which is especially important for embryos.

Provitamin A has no particular contraindications. But in some cases (for example, regular excess consumption of beta-carotene), carotinemia may occur. This is a non-hazardous condition and leads only to slight yellowing of the skin.

If the skin tone does not change, even if beta-carotene has been discontinued, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In very rare cases, individual intolerance to the above substance was recorded.

It should be noted that 160 differs in compatibility with other medications and even with alcohol. The exception is the Xenical medication. If you use this tool, the absorption of beta-carotene is significantly reduced by almost 30%.

Vitamin E160a is an extremely important substance for the body. The condition of the skin, hair, nails and not only depends on it. Therefore, with a deficiency of beta-carotene, it is necessary to include products containing it in the diet. In addition, this substance can be taken as part of multivitamin complexes.


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