Vitamins for weight loss: a review of drugs, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

Vitamins and minerals can help in weight loss. A slender figure is not only attractive, but also allows you to stay healthy for many years. When choosing vitamins for weight loss, you should know which of them will contribute to the fight against obesity and overweight.

Why are vitamins important when losing weight?

getting rid of extra pounds

There are vitamins that can have an indirect effect on weight loss. But, starting a diet for weight loss, you should first of all remember the principles of good nutrition. Using only supplements of minerals and vitamins for weight loss will not allow you to lose extra pounds.

First of all, remember that each diet should be accompanied by regular exercise, which will allow you to burn extra calories, speed up metabolism and positively affect your condition and mood. It is important to take the right amount of fluid. It is recommended to drink about two liters per day, preferably clean water. Regular drinking will help maintain proper hydration, reduce hunger and improve intestinal motility.

To prevent a deficiency of vitamins and other nutrients, any diet lasting more than two weeks should provide at least 1200 kcal for women and 1500 kcal for men. Always try to diversify the diet, which will provide the body with the necessary nutrients. Another important element of the diet is the content of the correct amount of protein in it, which should range from 0.8-1.5 g / kg of body weight.

It is also necessary to eat regularly, not to eat at night and to avoid a plentiful meal in the afternoon. When losing extra pounds, you should eat a large amount of fiber, which enhances the feeling of satiety and regulates the proper functioning of the intestine. Dietary fiber additionally normalizes blood sugar levels, so you do not experience a sudden sensation of hunger associated with the secondary release of insulin into the bloodstream with food.

B vitamins

compounds of group B

The Vitamin B group includes several compounds that are characterized by a similar structure and effect on metabolism. They participate in most biochemical processes in the body. Their disadvantages are mainly associated with abnormal functioning of the nervous and blood-forming system and pathological skin lesions.

Compounds from the group of vitamins B ensure the correct use of energy by the cells of the body. With the rational consumption of calories provided by food, the body is not exposed to the deposition of energy reserves in the form of unnecessary fats. Some B vitamins are responsible for the proper production of thyroid hormones.

Their deficiencies can lead to a decrease in metabolic rate. It, in turn, contributes to an increase in body weight due to the deposition of adipose tissue from energy not used by the body.

Iodine and weight loss

iodine and weight loss

Iodine refers to trace elements found mainly in products of marine origin. In the human body, 80% of iodine is collected in the thyroid gland. It is used to produce hormones that play an important role in controlling the metabolism of substances and the process of thermogenesis.

Iodine deficiency causes abnormal thyroid function associated with symptoms of hypothyroidism. These conditions are associated with a decrease in the rate of basic biochemical processes, which contributes to the accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. In contrast, a state of hyperthyroidism usually leads to weight loss due to an accelerated metabolism. The consumption of a sufficiently large amount of iodine is recommended when using diets for weight loss.

This increases the process of thermogenesis during which the body consumes a lot of energy from food, and also speeds up the metabolism and facilitates the disposal of extra pounds. The greatest amount of iodine is found in marine fish, seafood and algae.

Chrome and slimming

Many studies confirm the beneficial effects of chromium on weight loss. It constructively affects the metabolic rate, stimulating insulin secretion and increasing receptor sensitivity. Thanks to the correct function of insulin, sugar is transferred from the blood to the cells, so that they have energy for further work.

Chromium also lowers cholesterol, and it is believed that increased normal secretion of insulin causes high levels of serotonin in nerve synapses, which helps to reduce hunger. Therefore, taking vitamins with chromium for weight loss is useful.

A reduced concentration of this element was found in people with impaired insulin secretion. This confirms the fact that the corresponding concentrations of this compound have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism.

Inositol and Choline

In addition to vitamins that promote weight loss, it is worth taking inositol and choline. They are very useful in the fight against overweight. These are compounds classified as vitamin-like substances. They are mainly responsible for the proper transmission of nerve impulses, regulate the necessary level of cholesterol in the blood and have a positive effect on the metabolism of fats.

Vitamins for weight loss, popular in a pharmacy, contain both choline and inositol. So far, a positive effect on increasing the rate of burning fat has not been officially confirmed, therefore it is not recommended to use this type of supplement as the only form of diet for losing weight.

Vitamin D

vitamin-like substance D

Vitamin D in the body plays the role of prohormone, which, as a result of metabolic transformations, turns into a biologically active form.

It can form in the body when human skin is exposed to sunlight. The main role of vitamin D is to help in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food, which are the building blocks for the skeletal system. It affects overall well-being and mood. Vitamin D is also a great slimming product.

To lose weight and maintain a flawless figure, you should still use the right diet and exercise. However, if you consume more foods rich in this compound, this may become additional support in the fight against unnecessary kilograms.

How it works? Vitamin D helps brain receptors control appetite and suppress hunger attacks. It increases serotonin levels, which positively affects mood. In addition, vitamin D helps to absorb calcium from food. Calcium deficiency can increase the amount of an enzyme that turns calories into fat in the body.

Studies on obese women have shown that when they take 1200 mg of calcium per day, they lose 6 kilograms more, unlike those who do not care about the content of this element in the diet. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the sufficient intake of vitamin D into the body, since it helps to absorb calcium from food.

Sources of Vitamin D

The easiest way to synthesize vitamin D in the body is to sunbathe. However, this is not always possible, especially since clothing and sunscreens do not let in sunlight, so vitamin D does not form in the skin. In addition, in our climate the sun of the corresponding intensity is found only in the summer, and in other seasons it is much less.

When it comes to food, the best sources of vitamin D are oily sea fish such as halibut, herring, salmon, tuna, cod or swordfish, as well as fish oil. In other products, this compound is present in trace amounts if it is not added to the manufacturing process (for example, in fortified dairy products or fats such as margarine).

In case of low consumption of foods rich in vitamin D, you can use supplements with it, available in pharmacies. It is recommended to take 10 mcg of this active substance per day (normal for adults).

A small amount of sunlight and regular consumption of fish or fish oil will certainly allow you to cover the daily need for this vitamin. Additives with it should be included in the autumn-winter period, when the intensity of the sun is less, and therefore its synthesis in the skin practically does not occur.

List of Inexpensive Vitamins for Weight Loss

vitamin complex
  • Vitrum is a good nutritional supplement containing 13 vitamins and 17 minerals necessary for the body. The tool speeds up the metabolism and breakdown of carbohydrates. This vitamin complex should not be taken with gout, diabetes, and kidney disease. The price of the drug is about 500-700 rubles.
  • Centrum is an excellent vitamin complex that helps speed up the body’s metabolism during a diet. It contains vitamins of groups B, E and D, and useful elements like zinc, iodine, chromium and others. The drug is sold in pharmacies within 500 rubles.
  • "Aevit" - belong to the most inexpensive, but effective vitamins for weight loss. The complex includes compounds A and E and the necessary minerals. Cost up to 150 rubles.
  • "Fish oil" - helps speed up the metabolism. It is recommended for people on a diet, and involved in sports. Price range - from 50 to 1000 rubles.

When choosing vitamins for weight loss, you should not be guided by the principle that the more expensive, the better. Although the above drugs differ in price, the content of the components differ slightly.

Dietary supplements and fat burners

Dietary supplements and fat burners

Fat burners that include vitamins and minerals include:

  • "Turboslim".
  • "Alphabet Diet."
  • Megaslim.
  • "Selmevit."
  • "SlimQuick."
  • "Tru Hoodia."
  • "Now Foods".
  • "Life Extension".
  • "Natrol".
  • "Top Secret Nutrition".
  • "LipoDenX with carnitine."

Japanese dietary supplements

Persons who are difficult to part with being overweight can try Japanese dietary supplements in action. According to numerous reviews, vitamins for weight loss from Japan activate the fat burning process, also affect the normalization of the proper functioning of all body systems. They include not only vitamin and mineral compounds, but also flavonoids and organic acids.

japanese dietary supplements

The pharmacological companies leading in the production of Japanese dietary supplements are:

  • Minami.
  • Asahi.
  • Fine
  • Be-max.
  • DHC.
  • JBP
  • Orihiro.

They produce effective drugs that differ in price and composition.

How to use?

how to use

Vitamins for weight loss should be taken with caution, only following the instructions of the drug correctly will allow you to achieve the desired results.

Many make the mistake of taking vitamin substances in larger quantities than what is written in the instructions. Failure to comply with the dosage can lead to undesirable health effects.

If the package of a multivitamin complex contains two or more different tablets, you need to take them separately at different times of the day, as they may contain mutually exclusive compounds.

If a specific compound is included in the complex, then it is not necessary to take it also as a single drug separately. So you can easily overdose the daily norm of the concert component.

What vitamins to take when losing weight on different diets?

proper nutrition

Subject to strict diet, the body does not receive the necessary nutrients. With a restriction in food, it is necessary to supplement the diet with vitamin complexes correctly. Consider which vitamins to drink when losing weight on different types of strict diets:

  • Protein diet. Vegetable and cereal products are excluded from the menu. This affects the health of the body as a whole. Kidney problems may occur. Therefore, when choosing a diet, consultation with a dietitian is necessary. People who follow a protein diet often lack vitamin C. For proper functioning of the body, you also need to supplement the diet with bran, which is rich in fiber.
  • Vegetarian diet. Vegetarians should take vitamin A, B, and E complexes. They are found in meat, liver, and offal, which are excluded from the vegetarian menu.
  • Low fat diet. With insufficient intake of fats, the body's immunity suffers, the skin becomes dull and sagging. With a low-fat diet, an additional intake of omega acids is necessary.


According to numerous reviews of vitamins for weight loss in the media, we can conclude: if you take only dietary supplements and at the same time do nothing else, unfortunately, lose weight will fail. You need to adjust your diet, reduce the amount of calories consumed and start playing sports. Without these manipulations, the desired effect is difficult to achieve. Vitamins for weight loss, really help to lose weight faster only if the above conditions are met.


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