Dream Interpretation: a flower dreams fortunately?

As any dream book says , the flower that you dreamed of needs to be remembered well before you solve the dream. The prediction is highly dependent on the type of plant and even more dependent on the circumstances in which you saw it. The color of the petals has

dream book flower
own meaning, which also must be taken into account.

Flowers in the garden

A very good dream when flowering plants dream. Flower beds or bushes covered with blossoming flowers will predict good prospects in the future. Everything that you have planned will be fulfilled without any problems. Happiness awaits you ahead - any dream book contains such information. A flower proudly growing alone, predicts an important event in life. Which one? It depends on the color and variety of the plant. So, a rose clearly predicts love. Dahlia - getting money, daffodil - personal success (you will be praised). It is very good to see blossoming trees in a dream. This portends a strip of well-being, especially if the flowers bloom on the bare branches. Even a complete collapse in the end will turn into a win, go for it!

Flowers in a bouquet

The dreams associated with gifts are generally safe, whether you receive them or give them. If you are presented with a bouquet - wait for a declaration of love or another, equally beautiful event. You give - this is a hint - do not hide your feelings anymore. Most likely, they are mutual. In this case, the color of the petals is of great importance. Only white flowers are unfavorable. According to the folk dream book, a flower of snow color means sadness. It is very bad if the leaves faded - this is a disease. The remaining flowers are for prosperity and happiness. Scarlet color is of particular importance. So, the esoteric dream interpretation of a red flower connects with frantic passion. The rest say the same thing. To receive red flowers as a gift - to be loved or loved, to give - to glow with passion for the person to whom the bouquet was presented. A dream where you cut flowers and make an excellent composition out of them foreshadows pleasant troubles.

black flowers dream book


Often, images of nature come to us, filled with bright colors. A dream interpretation of a field (forest) flower is a good omen. Even white petals will not threaten disease or nuisance if you saw them in a meadow. Such a dream portends joy, good mood. Sometimes - getting rid of diseases. Only black flowers dream book considers not a very good sign. Mourning can be worn by one who saw such a dream. Sometimes black flowers dream of the refusal of a loved one from a relationship. If you make a bouquet or weave a wreath of field plants, then the day will present you with a pleasant surprise. Dream interpretation flower, grown in nature, considers a very good omen. Only wilted plants predict sadness.

dream book flower red
Strange flowers

In a dream, we are often visited by images that are impossible in real life. These predictions need to be taken very carefully. So, if the petals of the flower are painted in an unnatural color, this indicates the insincerity of the relationships that are important to you at the moment. Artificial flowers, especially those received as a gift, also predict falsehood. He who gave, is with you and disingenuous. Be careful! If you make artificial plants yourself, then it will be you who are cunning. It can go outside, troubles will be inevitable. Sleep warns that caution is required in behavior.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9922/

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