Olympus OM-D E-M1 camera: specifications, advantages and disadvantages

Olympus is one of the world leaders in the photography technology market. Olympus OM-D E-M1 mirrorless camera with interchangeable lenses is among the most popular devices from this brand in Russia and in the world. This device is characterized as effectively combining traditional and advanced technologies. It is considered one of the most functional and versatile devices in its segment. What are the main features of a device like the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Kit? Advantages, disadvantages, characteristics of the device will be considered in the article.

Olympus OM-D E-M1

Device Features

Let's start with the technological capabilities of the device.

What features does the Olympus OM-D E-M1 have? The characteristics of the device will allow us to understand this. Key form the following list:

- the device’s lens belongs to the category of elements with interchangeable optics; its mount is Micro Four Thirds;

- the device matrix is ​​of type Live MOS;

- photosensitivity of the camera - in the ISO range from 100 to 25 600;

- the device has a hybrid autofocus, functioning in 37 or 81 zones (in phase and contrast mode, respectively), as well as in 800 zones - with manual adjustment;

- the camera is equipped with a 3-inch LCD with a resolution of 1 megapixel;

- the device supports optical image stabilization;

- the device is compatible with such file formats as JPEG and RAW;

- the device can record video in a maximum resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels at a speed of 30 frames per second;

- an external microphone can be connected to the device;

- burst speed in automatic mode - about 10 frames per second.

Now consider what configuration the device comes with.


In the box with the camera, the user will find:

- lens - when the device is supplied in the Kit format, if the corresponding optical component is not available, the device will correspond to the Body format;

- external flash;

- battery;

- Charger;

- cover for Micro 4/3;

- eyecup;

- belt;

- cable for connecting the device to a PC via a USB port;

- software package;

- warranty card.

Of course, the box also contains a detailed instruction manual that promotes the most comfortable use of the Olympus OM-D E-M1 camera.

Now let's learn how the device looks.

Design and appearance

The Olympus OM-D E-M1 camera (reviews of professionals and users presented on various thematic portals confirm this) is characterized by extremely high build quality. Using the device is carried out with great comfort, the main device control keys are conveniently located.

What does the Olympus OM-D E-M1 look like? Examples (photos) of this product are below.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 sample photos

We see that the device has a stylish, modern and at the same time quite strict design - it does not have any extra parts, almost everything on the surface of the case performs useful functions.

There are several color modifications of the device. So, there is an Olympus OM-D E-M1 Body black, and there is a silver modification of the device.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 12 40

At the front of the unit is a button with which you can adjust the white balance in accordance with the reference mode. To the right of the lens is its unlock button. Directly above it is a slot for synchronizing the connected flash (it is worth noting that the device has no built-in flash). The screen of the device is mobile, it can be moved up and down.

Features of camera control

There are a number of nuances that characterize the management of the device. First of all, it is worth noting that the buttons that are used to activate certain functions of the device are programmed. And if, for example, a person is used to their specific location when using a different brand of camera, their location on the Olympus OM-D E-M1 can be reproduced.

The main controls of the device are 2 wheels. It is supposed to use them with the thumb, as well as the index. It can be noted that in the upper part of the device there is a special button with which you can lock the mode dial.

There are a number of features of using lenses on the Olympus OM D EM1. The fact is that the camera in question is, in principle, compatible with the corresponding optical elements in the Four Thirds format. However, to use them in practice, you will need a special adapter. Note that when using lenses of the appropriate type, you cannot activate contrast autofocus - only phase focus.

Picture quality

The Olympus OM-D E-M1 camera (professional reviews confirm this) in terms of the quality of the photos being created is more than competitive in comparison with multimedia content obtained by using similar solutions. Despite the relatively low matrix area, when compared with that available on devices such as, for example, Fujifilm X-T1, the images are excellent. At least, if we talk about shooting within the ISO 6400 level. If it is higher, the quality of pictures may have some drawbacks.

The optimal ISO mode, which achieves the best detail of images created with the Olympus OM-D E-M1 camera, is from 1600 to 3200. In the appropriate range, the device provides photo quality comparable to that achieved with more technologically advanced devices that exceed the apparatus in question, in particular, by the size of the sensor. It can be noted that in practice, even professional photographers rarely use ISO modes higher than the values ​​that we cited.

The autofocus function on the device works fine, the color rendering is at the level, the noise indicators in the picture are also within the normal range. Some features have shooting when you enlarge the frame - in this case, the subject may fall out of autofocus for a short time. If the ambient light level is high, then a new focus is induced in less than a second, if low - in about 2. Better focusing can be done using the touch screen. On it, you can use your finger to indicate to the device which object you want to focus on.


Considering the possibilities that the Olympus OM-D E-M1 camera provides to the user, the technical characteristics of the device, it is worth paying special attention to the operation of the stabilizer that is installed on it. The corresponding Olympus camera hardware component has 5 axes. It is capable of damping the vibrations generated by the matrix along 3 axes at once, and also stabilizing its rotation in 2 planes.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 professional reviews

It is noteworthy that these characteristics sound spectacularly not only theoretically, but also during the practical operation of the device. The total stabilization effect when using the camera in question is 4-5 steps EV.

Lens specifications

It will be useful to consider the features of the camera lenses. They can be presented in a variety of modifications.

Among the most popular are optical elements under the Zuiko brand. Many photographers are impressed by the product M.Zuiko Digital 45 mm f / 1.8. It refers to lenses with a constant focus of 45 mm. What does this Olympus OM-D E-M1 optical element look like? Examples (photo) of the lens are below.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 kit camera description

Among its most obvious advantages are minimal geometric distortion and chromatic aberration.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Camera Specifications

In addition, as experts say, the lens is characterized by decent resolution in fast areas - in the interval between f / 1.8 and f / 16.0, its level does not fall below 0.6 lines in a pixel. Resolution in the central part of the frame is higher than at the edges, but not by much. If we talk about the interval between f / 3.5 and f / 11.0, then the corresponding indicator even increases to 0.75 lines per pixel. As for the work within the aperture equal to f / 22.0, the resolution, of course, decreases - to 0.45. But in general, taking into account the reasonable price for the lens, the totality of the noted characteristics makes the optical element in question more than competitive.

Another popular Zuiko lens for the Olympus OM-D E-M1 is the 12-40 f / 2.8. It is able to work within the focal range from 24 to 80 mm. It is characterized by a high level of aperture and outstanding sharpness. This model is quite universal: thanks to the short focusing distance, you can shoot very small objects using the lens. The level of aperture installed on the Olympus OM-D E-M1 12-40 f / 2.8 allows the photographer to take high-quality pictures at a low ISO - in the evening, at dusk, and also use the camera for portrait shooting. One of the insignificant, according to experts, shortcomings of the lens in question can be considered its susceptibility to glare in some modes - in particular, if the light is directed from behind the object directly to the camera. But in general, the corresponding optical element is one of the most technologically advanced in the segment. It is successfully involved in their work by professionals.

Another popular lens of this camera is M.Zuiko 12-50 mm f / 3.5-6.3 ED EZ. It has an unstable focus in the range of 12-50 mm. Its resolution indicators are reasonably competitive. If we consider a short focus, the resolution at the edges of the frame is slightly lower than in the center, and in the interval f / 3.5 - f / 16 is of the order of 0.5 lines in a pixel and higher. In turn, in the central part of the image, the corresponding indicator is 0.6 and higher. If you take the average focus - the resolution in the interval between f / 5.2 and f / 13 is 0.6 lines and above. In the corresponding range, the difference in resolution is maintained in the center and at the edges of the frame, but in the interval between f / 13 and f / 22 they are aligned. This lens is also among the optimal in terms of technological capabilities and price.

Thus, the device is compatible with different lenses that differ in technology and cost. Therefore, the photographer has the opportunity to choose the appropriate optical components for himself, based on his own needs and budget, which he has.

Work speed

Now, having studied the features of the camera lenses, we continue our description of the Olympus OM-D E-M1 and consider its features. Among the most important characteristics of a device for a modern photographer is the speed of its work (in terms of autofocus response, as well as automatic shooting). Experts and many users believe that the device in question has outstanding performance in both functions. Photographers are especially impressed by the fact that after receiving frames in the required mode, you can almost immediately start viewing them. This is very important in cases where for a short period of time, for example, in the process of reporting for a news publication, you need to shoot a large number of different types of frames and make sure that each of them is of the highest quality.

True, the efficiency of the device’s autofocus largely depends on the level of illumination of the shooting location. If it is insufficient, the speed and quality of the corresponding function of the camera are reduced. But this pattern is characteristic not only for the device in question. Comparison of Olympus OM-D E-M1 with analogs shows that even more technologically advanced solutions do not always allow for sufficient autofocus speed in low light conditions.

Video recording

The next aspect of using the camera, which is useful to consider, is video recording. As we noted above, listing the characteristics of the Olympus OM-D E-M1, the device can record videos at a speed of 30 frames per second. This is not the most outstanding indicator. However, there are not many competing solutions on the market that could provide higher video recording speeds at the same resolution.

Another nuance of using the device in the video recording mode is the lack of exposure settings during the shooting process. At the same time, those that are detected automatically provide a very decent quality of videos.

Advantages and disadvantages of the apparatus

Any electronic device, especially as technologically sophisticated as a professional camera, has advantages and disadvantages. Consider them too - those that are defined by experts and users for the device in question.

The device has more advantages than disadvantages. The device has a great design, a comfortable arrangement of controls on an ergonomic body. At the same time, the dimensions of the camera, its weight, and also the lens are not the largest.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 specifications with photo

The device provides excellent picture quality provided that it will be operated in ISO modes from 1600 to 3200. But, as we noted above, in practice the need to use ISO at higher values ​​does not appear so often.

The device pleases specialists and users with a high speed of work - this can be seen both in terms of the burst shooting function and in terms of autofocus. Again - subject to sufficient lighting.

The advantage of the camera can be called high-tech, providing excellent quality color reproduction of the touch screen, as well as the presence of a viewfinder.

The device is equipped with a highly effective stabilizer. In addition, the advantage of the device can be called compatibility with a wide range of lenses - both with those that belong to economical models and with premium optical devices.

Among the disadvantages of the device is a relatively low resolution, not the most outstanding indicators of the recording speed of frames in video. Also, some experts note that the camera during operation is a little more noisy than some competing solutions. Thus, the advantages of the device are incommensurably greater than the disadvantages, which by and large can be considered very conditional.


This is our, albeit perhaps not the most complete review of the Olympus OM-D E-M1 camera, but reflecting the key features of the device, its strengths and weaknesses. What conclusions can we draw by considering the capabilities of the device?

The description of the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Kit camera, given in the official catalogs and on popular portals, gives reason to make assumptions about the highest performance of the device, its availability of a wide range of functions, and the ability to receive excellent multimedia content when used. But all these assumptions are theoretical. How are things with the practice of using the device?

Based on the opinions of experts, we can conclude that, in key aspects, the claimed characteristics of the device have a real correspondence to its effectiveness. For example, in terms of image stabilization, automatic shooting speed.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 instruction manual

We examined the main Olympus OM-D E-M1 lenses, the characteristics from the photo data of the optical components and came to the conclusion that the user has at their disposal several models at once, among which you can find the ones that optimally combine functionality and price.

Thus, the camera under consideration from the Olympus brand is a modern, stylish, high-tech device capable of working with lenses of different types and price ranges.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9935/

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