Explay Infinity 2 Smartphone Review: Specifications

A stylish smartphone of 2013 with good technical specifications and an affordable price is Explay Infinity 2. The capabilities of this device, its parameters, as well as software updates will be discussed in detail in this short article.

explay infinity 2

Smartphone Positioning

Explay Infinity 2 was positioned by the manufacturer as a flagship solution. But at the same time, the price of the device was significantly lower than that of similar devices. Therefore, a rather interesting combination was obtained, which combined excellent technical and software specifications with democratic value. All this contributed to a fairly high level of sales of the gadget in question.

Device delivery set

Explay Infinity 2 was equipped as follows:

  • The battery gadget itself.

  • User's manual.

  • Stereo system.

  • Charger.

  • Warranty card.

  • IGo navigation system documentation.

  • An interface cord that allows you to synchronize the gadget with a PC or charge the battery using a charger.

explay infinity 2 review


A typical candy bar with a 4.3-inch touch screen is Explay Infinity 2. The display is quite high-quality, it is based on a matrix made using the Super AMOLED ++ technology. This provides excellent color reproduction and sufficiently large viewing angles. But there is no familiar touch panel for this software platform under the screen. Instead, the lower part of the display is used, on which these controls are located. Above the display are the earpiece and the peephole of the front camera. The lock button is displayed on the right side of the device, and the volume controls on the left. Wired interfaces (audio port and microUSB) are located on the top edge of the smartphone. From the bottom, only the opening of the conversational microphone is displayed. On the back cover are the peephole of the main camera and its backlight. The material of the back cover is corrugated plastic.

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Hardware stuffing

Modest by today's standards, the central processor is installed in Explay Infinity 2. The characteristics of the MT6577 are really not impressive. There are only two cores, each of which is based on the very outdated A9 architecture and can dynamically increase its clock frequency to 1 GHz. But on the other hand, we do not forget that we have a 2013 device, and at that time this model of the central processor provided a fairly good level of performance. Even now, after 3 years, this device allows you to solve most problems: from listening to music and playing videos to simple toys, reading books and surfing Internet resources - all this is possible with this smart phone model. Problems will only be with the latest, most demanding toys.

The amount of RAM in this case is 512 MB. Of these, about 300 MB is occupied by system software. The internal storage capacity is 4 GB, but only about 2.4 GB is allocated to the user's needs. The rest is system software. There is also a slot for an external memory card. Its maximum capacity can be 32 GB.

An impressive set of data transmission methods is implemented in this device. This and 2 SIM cards. The first slot supports both 2nd generation and 3rd generation networks. This allows you to receive data at speeds of several megabits per second with appropriate coverage. But the second one is focused on work only in the GSM standard. In this case, you can count on several hundred kilobits per second. The main wireless interface in this case is Wi-Fi. With it, you can load and unload data in any quantity. Also in this gadget is a bluetooth transceiver. It allows you to exchange data with smartphones or connect a wireless headset to the device. But there are only two wired interfaces in this case. One of them is microUSB. Synchronization with a PC and charging the battery are its main tasks. The second is an audio port that allows you to connect any wired speaker system to the device.

explay infinity 2 specifications


Not bad even by today's standards, the main camera is used in Explay Infinity 2. Photos and videos received with its help are of quite good quality. In this case, an 8 megapixel sensor is used. There is, as noted earlier, a backlight system and autofocus. Movies in this case are recorded in HD quality. This device also has a front camera. But her sensor is really modest - only 0.3 megapixels. This is barely enough for making video calls. But something more is not to be expected in this case.


The device is equipped with a standard 1600 mAh battery. With the active use of such a battery capacity, 12-14 hours of active use will be enough. With an average level of load, you can expect 2 days of battery life. Well, if you really try hard, then 3 days with minimal use of the device will work out. If necessary, you can increase the battery life of this phone, but for this you need to buy an additional external battery.


As expected, Android is the system software of this device. Moreover, its version of the operating system is far from fresh - 4.0. But nevertheless, most of the existing software of this platform will function on this software without any problems.

Some "craftsmen" are trying to upgrade to version 4.1, and in this case the question arises of how to flash Explay Infinity 2. Officially, there is no such update, but amateurs managed to make such a package. But at the moment there will not be any special gain - the latest version of Android is now 6.0, and there is essentially no big difference between 4.0 and 4.1. But to disable the gadget is not so difficult. For the rest, in order to update the software, you need to download a specialized update package on the β€œExplay” website and the firmware itself. Then install the package on the PC and use it to β€œupload” new software to the smartphone.

Separately, it is necessary to note the presence of special navigation software iGo. It allows you to turn this smartphone in a matter of minutes into a full-fledged navigator and lay the necessary route.

explay infinity 2 pics

Reviews and price

10,000 rubles - this is exactly what Explay Infinity 2 cost in 2013. A review of the reviews by the owners of this gadget indicates full compliance with price and quality. At the same time, the device had practically no weaknesses: an excellent screen, a fairly efficient CPU, a well-organized memory subsystem, and an acceptable level of device autonomy. Even the quality of the photo and video of the main camera is really not satisfactory. Another plus of the device is the additional application software, which allows you to turn your smartphone into a full-fledged navigator without any problems.

explay infinity 2 display


An excellent 2013 smartphone is Explay Infinity 2. It is balanced both in terms of price, software, and in terms of hardware parameters. This device has practically no shortcomings, and its parameters for the most part, even now, continue to be relevant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9939/

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