TV 22 inches. 22 inches - monitor

Now, any electronics store can offer customers a huge selection of modern TVs. They differ in the quality of resolution, color gamut, the presence (absence) of Internet access and many other functions, as well as the size of the screen itself. In addition, you can also purchase a suitable monitor for your home computer. The optimal screen size is 22 inches.

TV History

22 inches
Now it’s hard to even imagine that once in the houses there weren’t as many electrical appliances as now. Many gadgets appeared closer to the end of the 20th century. So the first TV saw the world only in 1947. Although its development began long before that.

The mechanism of the first TVs was developed in 1884. Its author is the railway worker Nipkov from Germany. However, this technology has been surpassed by a new cathode ray tube. It was invented by Russian professor Rosing. Later, the pipe was improved by the scientist Zvorykin.

The mass model began to be produced in the USSR after the war, in 1949. The new TV was called "KVN-49." It was a huge box with a long picture tube and a special mirror reflecting the image. Soviet citizens saw color TVs only in the 70s. The diagonal of the first Electron was approximately 22 inches.

The revolution in the quality and quantity of televisions took place after the collapse of the Union. It was then that foreign models of a wide variety of sizes and designs poured onto the market.

Types of modern TVs

The advantage of progress for consumers is a huge variety of models of familiar technology. People know about 3D, LCD, LCD and other modern TVs. And what are the differences between these models, and what are the types of this popular technique in general? Now in stores you can find these TVs:

  • Plasma The design uses a special ionized gas located between the glass panels. Such models differ in black depth and contrast. However, they weigh a lot and consume a lot of energy. Therefore, even a standard TV (22 inches) is quite difficult to lift.
  • Projection. Such models consist of many lenses and reflectors. They are practically not common and are quite expensive.
  • CRT tubes. The basis of these gadgets is a cathode ray tube. Such televisions are economical both in terms of energy consumption and cost. However, they are quite large in size with a small screen.
  • LCD TVs. Here between the panels are enclosed special liquid crystals. The most popular are the LCD and LED models.

22 inch TV

How to choose the right TV?

Often a situation arises when a buyer in a household appliance store, having seen all the variety, is simply lost. After all, choosing the right option is not so simple. But there are a few points that you need to pay attention to before buying:

  • The size. It can be a small diagonal of 22 inches or models more than 30 inches.
  • Type of TV. You can choose among electron beam, liquid crystal or plasma models.
  • Manufacturing company. Here, everyone chooses solely for their own reasons and the intensity of the advertising company.
  • Price. This criterion also depends on the budget and the capabilities of each individual buyer.

In this case, it is worth paying special attention to the size and type of the TV, because each type has its own characteristics and disadvantages. For example, in a small room it will not be practical to install a model with a large diagonal. And the use of televisions based on liquid crystal panels provides a more careful attitude than to other varieties of such equipment.

22 inch monitor

Which diagonal is better to choose?

As a rule, almost any buyer looks at large televisions. Before making a final choice, you should carefully analyze several important points:

  • area of ​​the room;
  • type of model;
  • specific location of the TV;
  • purpose of technology.

For example, obsolete picture tubes are most convenient with a screen of no more than 30 inches. Then the image will be the most high-quality and clear. Therefore, a diagonal of 22 inches will be optimal.

In a large room, a large TV would be best. In this case, the minimum screen size should be at least 26 inches.

In addition, much depends on the resolution of the monitor. The larger it is, the better the image quality. For example, even going close to the screen, you do not see the “graininess” of the picture.

Also, experts recommend taking into account the distance to the TV:

  • a diagonal of 61-80 inches is best used for rooms over 4-5 meters;
  • a distance of 2-2.5 m will be optimal for 26-32 inch TVs;
  • If you watch TV shows at a distance of 2 meters, you should choose a smaller screen.

Diagonal 22 inches

How to choose the right monitor?

A computer is a universal device that helps us communicate, earn money and relax. In front of his screen, we spend a huge amount of time. Therefore, the first and most important criterion when choosing a monitor is its safety. The radiation level should be as low as possible.

If we talk about the size of the screen, then you should decide on the main goals for which the computer is intended. If you buy it exclusively for watching online clips, films and TV, you can purchase a screen from 24 to 40 inches. If the goal is communication in various social networks and work, then it is better to dwell on smaller sizes. The best option is 22 inches (monitor). It is suitable for close range, and will also be convenient for watching various videos.

In addition, you should pay close attention to the screen viewing angle, pixel response time, brightness and contrast.

Only after a thorough analysis of all these elements can you choose a good quality monitor. Most likely, it will cost a little more than conventional models, but it will last you much longer.

Leading monitor manufacturers

Now on the TV and monitor market there are a huge number of different companies engaged in the production of such equipment. Some of them are engaged in the production of expensive elite equipment, someone specializes in budget options, etc.

Which company TV is better to choose? For this, numerous ratings and reviews are compiled. Every year, the list of companies remains virtually unchanged. Most popular companies:

  1. Philips This brand has the 19th place in sales in Russia. 3D models of this company received the best awards in Europe.
  2. Samsung International prosperous company that holds a leading position in the markets of Russia and Ukraine. The best choice for computer owners is the Samsung 22-inch monitor.
  3. Sony This universal company is not only engaged in the production of televisions, but also produces many other equipment and gadgets.
  4. LG. One of the most common and well-known brands of TVs and monitors. The optimal ratio of cost and performance.
    Samsung 22 inch

Some interesting facts about TVs and television

In each sphere there are special moments that become turning points in its history. So in the existence of televisions and television there are several similar interesting facts.

  1. For the first time, fully digital television appeared in small Luxembourg.
  2. The first television set was created by Max Dieckmann in 1907. It was not 22 inches in size, but only 3 x 3 cm.
  3. For the first time, Americans got pierced by a tech ad at the dawn of the television era. Then they showed a clear image of a cockroach, after which several people sued. They broke the receivers, trying to kill this insect.
  4. Plasma screens are the most short-lived, because the display starts to fade over time. Laser TVs are considered the most durable.


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