Tor Browser: user reviews on the practical use of the browser

Anonymity on the Internet when visiting some banned or blocked resources has long been a byword. For this, quite a lot of completely different tools can be used (VPN clients, anonymous proxy servers, etc.). However, to fully understand the picture, consider an interesting browser called Tor Browser. Reviews about the program in most cases are very flattering. But in order to fully appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of this software product, consider what it represents and how it works.

What is Tor Browser?

This browser is based on the principle of operation based on the so-called "onion" technology, which allows you to completely hide the traces of a user’s stay on the Internet using multi-level encryption. In this case, only the access path to some resource (routing) is encrypted, and the transmitted and received packets (information traffic) remain in their original form.

tor browser reviews

It works like this. The Tor network uses three main arbitrary nodes. Which ones? Nobody knows that. Upon receipt of a user request, the browser sends a data packet to the first node, which contains the access key to the second (encrypted node address). On the second is the key to the third. Thus, it is absolutely impossible to track the movement of transmitted packets over the network (there can be a lot of nodes themselves, and three arbitrary ones can be selected from them).

Tor Browser Bundle: reviews of program versions

Now we will pass directly to what experts and ordinary users say about this browser. The first and most important thing is that the application, regardless of the version used, allows you to access any sites with at least three times limited access. This is somewhat reminiscent of the work of anonymous proxy servers, which initially change the external IP of the user machine and its location.

Tor Browser functions in approximately the same way. The reviews of experts indicate that the latest modifications of the program allow us to establish anonymity even for large server systems, changing their location, which undoubtedly can please the system administrators of various hosts. Ordinary users do not need server functions of the program. They can download the latest version from the official site for installation. User reviews indicate that new versions of the application are constantly being laid out there (although a corresponding warning will be issued in the browser itself when it expires, but you can update it directly in the program).

As for the basics of working with the browser, there are some nuances. After starting the program, you must first check the network and, only after receiving a message about its successful completion, start work.

tor browser bundle reviews

But reviews of Tor Browser suggest that when launching the latest modifications, the initial start (connection to the Tor network) is rather slow, then the configurator works, in which you can configure the settings yourself or use the connection immediately. As practice shows, it is better to choose the second option.

tor browser ru reviews

But the first one is suitable to circumvent the provider’s blocking if it blocks the use of this software (unfortunately, the provider can really easily determine that it uses Tor Browser to access resources blocked on its part).

But we assume that there are no problems with the provider. Press the connect button and get into the main Tor Browser window. In most cases, expert reviews indicate that it is better to first use the network status check hyperlink located at the top of the window, and only then enter the addresses of the necessary sites. This is precisely what guarantees that Internet surfing will be completely anonymous.

Pros and cons of the program

As for the positive and negative aspects of the browser, it can be noted that the program runs quite slowly only due to the use of the same onion technology. But with the help of this application you can open any site, no matter how powerful the lock is on it.

Another minus is that the browser under no circumstances remembers passwords, and cleans temporary files and cookies on exit, which somewhat upsets users. But after all, it is precisely created to ensure complete anonymity, which many simply forget. In addition, some complain about the warning that the browser is not recommended to be used in full screen mode (this is exactly the moment when the provider or even the attacker can determine that the user is logging on to the site using this program).

However, when establishing a connection, many surfers even manage to watch movies, despite the rather low speed of the application. But the search is actually carried out using Google services. The user can choose the language for searching and displaying the results independently, as well as set the main language for the browser itself. Separately, we can note the possibility of importing bookmarks from other browsers.

Tor Browser for Windows: reviews of the application in terms of downloading content

The main complaints are those users who are not satisfied with the speed of work. But what did you want when establishing a connection with traffic passing through several servers?

tor browser for windows reviews

In some cases, experts recommend using the program settings and installing the obfs4 repeater there.

It is noted that the loading of content from the same “Yandex-drive” is practically not reduced. But judging by the reviews, the download speed even with the weakest connection never drops below the limit of 100 kbit / s.

Brief Summary

If you give this browser an objective assessment, despite the somewhat reduced speed, it looks just fine. This is not only in terms of ensuring anonymity, but also in terms of visiting any resource blocked even at the state level. If, in some other browsers, the built-in VPN tools or additional extensions do not work, this application will become the very tool that will allow you to bypass any locks and remain unrecognized. Naturally, even the developers themselves do not call the panacea for all ills, nevertheless, there is a share of truth (and a very large one) in this.


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