Boats with low pressure inflatable bottom: how to choose the best model?

If you pay attention to the reservoirs in high season, you will notice that rubber boat options are much more common than classic ones. At the same time, many believe that boats with an inflatable bottom of low pressure are quite difficult to operate and require special processing and pumping. The main characteristics, including the carrying capacity and speed of both options, are at an equally decent level. It is also worth noting the possibility of supplementing with a more powerful engine.

low pressure inflatable boats

What you need to know

In order to assemble a boat with payols, half an hour is enough. A little more time is needed to clean and disassemble the structure after use. Here, the low-pressure inflatable bottom is notable for its superiority - it takes much less time for all work. But for this option, you need to purchase an electric pump, since manual pumping is not the best thing.

Airdek begins to bend when exceeding the load and the speed mark of 30 km / h, this reduces performance. It is not recommended to use four-stroke motors and exceed the engine power limit. The bottom of such boats differs in sufficient rigidity, allowing to stand confidently on it. Naturally, any options made of rubber should additionally be covered with light material, for example, carpet, to reduce exposure to sunlight, falling knives and other sharp objects.

Rubber boats with a low-pressure inflatable bottom in most cases cannot be repaired. That is, if at the bottom even several joints that provide the connection of the lower and upper parts are broken, it will lose shape. And this is taking into account the fact that this part is integral and cannot be replaced, such as, for example, airdeck, instead of which an aluminum or plywood flooring is often used. Do not forget about this property and leave the boat on deck or shore.

flagship low-pressure inflatable boats


Boats with a low-pressure inflatable bottom β€œFlagman” are characterized by inconspicuous impacts on the waves that occur during movement. This improves handling and increases the comfort of use of the vessel. They also quickly disassemble and assemble. To clean contaminated surfaces, it is enough to pour 20-30 liters of water into the cockpit, from which it flows through the valves. In addition, it is worth noting a number of other advantages:

  • the bottom has a sufficient level of thermal insulation, which is important for people who are fond of long fishing, a dense surface even allows you to comfortably fit in a horizontal position;
  • ship's deadlift significantly increases due to cylinders that are located above the bottom;
  • additional air compartments provide stability and the possibility of increasing the transported cargo;
  • inner sides are less susceptible to abrasion.

pvc boats with low pressure inflatable bottom

Negative sides

Despite the many advantages, there were some disadvantages. These include the following:

  • PVC boats with a low-pressure inflatable bottom cannot reach their maximum speed characteristics even at an average load level;
  • high windage, the reduction of which is possible when placing a passenger in front of the boat or with proper placement of cargo;
  • despite the light weight, in comparison with other types, the boat is not folded in two, but in one bag, which makes transportation difficult;
  • among other vessels with a tension bottom, boats with an inflatable bottom of low pressure have the greatest roll;
  • cockpit volume is significantly reduced due to the volume bottom.

Use cases

NND vessels are quite widespread among extreme water sports enthusiasts, fishermen and travelers due to the presence of drain valves, good handling and a soft bottom. There are boats with a low-pressure inflatable bottom, designed for measured walks, they are made of fairly thin materials, so manufacturers were able to achieve a lower weight of the product. At the same time, reliability remains at the same level, although, of course, it is undesirable for them to overcome obstacles in the form of dense thickets.

Boats with an inflatable bottom of a low pressure "Solar" have a soft design, while floor models are characterized by the presence of plywood elements, and some swimmers are equipped with plastic or steel hard hardening. Sufficient density is achieved by bulkheads with residual zero elongation and pressure inside the structure.

low pressure inflatable boats reviews


On-board cylinders contain air with significantly higher pressure than in the inflatable parts of the bottom, while special bleed valves have been created to prevent excessive air expansion. Valves accelerate the air outlet during disassembly of the boat and are located in front of the structure.

Regardless of the design, the vessel allows you not to worry about safety during the movement due to special compartments. On boats with a low-pressure inflatable bottom, the reviews are mostly positive, many users note their comfortable use, unpretentious care and compact dimensions when folded.

Available useful features become relevant for users in various situations. Maneuverability, the ability to pass through the thickets of reeds and descent from the coast, having any height, are important for fishermen and hunters. For beginners, the main advantage is the low cost and a noticeable increase in opportunities for recreation. Such boats are also used by people with motor yachts, they are used instead of boats in case of emergency situations, the probability of which cannot be ruled out on any lakes and rivers. They also allow you to get to ponds with difficult access and remote location, they are also suitable for traveling with a camper.

boats with inflatable bottom low pressure compass

Criterias of choice

The choice of a particular option depends on the required characteristics. The length of the boat with an inflatable bottom low pressure "Compass" should be selected taking into account the availability of special transportation equipment (this can be a utility trailer or trunk), the engine used, the number of people transported and the size of the water bodies.

The shape of the cylinders has a large width, which is why the lower part of the body is classified into certain types. The most popular is the low keel standard form, which has medium pitching and an inflatable kilson. To achieve the screen effect on cylinders, special skegs are used. The bottom may have a completely flat surface. Swimming equipment designed for use in extreme conditions is complemented by reinforcement in the form of durable polyethylene materials.

Fasteners and cylinders

Cylinders are made of PVC-based fabric, which can have varying degrees of density. Rubberized material is practically not used today due to the need for intensive care. Hypolon also does not have enviable popularity, despite the possibility of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. This is due to the high cost.

Lyktros-lykpaz connections and balloon hinges are used to fix attachments and seats. The first option is distinguished by broader functionality and convenience, because of this it is found on the main part of boats of various manufacturers.

low pressure inflatable boats


PVC boat "Taiga-270ND", according to users, is optimally suited for fishing and long trips, design features reduce fatigue during prolonged stay in it.

On the AIR E330LT Gladiator watercraft, the reviews are mostly positive, they have gained popularity due to high strength characteristics.

The boat "Gladiator E 380 AIR", according to the owner, is perfectly kept on the water and is equipped with a powerful engine.


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