What you need to register a newborn: a list of documents, registration rules and deadlines

The appearance of a newborn in the family is a joyful event. Only after childbirth, parents are faced with huge paperwork. They have to issue the first documents for the child. And an important role in this is registration. Parents think what they need to register a newborn. This issue will be considered below. Practice shows that timely preparation for upcoming actions will greatly facilitate the registration of the baby.


What is a registration? In the modern world, it is also called registration. It is temporary and permanent.

Birth certificate and registration of the child

A residence permit is the assignment of a certain place of residence to a Russian citizen. After that, a person will be able to receive state and municipal services at the place of registration, to use housing for everyday needs.

Registration should be with every resident of Russia. Without it, you can stay in the country for 3 months. The exception is cases when a citizen was discharged from his former home. Then he will have to find a new refuge in just a week.

But what about newborns? Registration for them is one of the most important processes. Without it, it will not be possible to draw up most of the documents, as well as to queue for kindergarten.

Where to register

What is needed to register a newborn in an apartment? For this task, not many documents are required. About them will be discussed later. First, you have to find out what registration rules for babies are valid in the Russian Federation.

The first question that arises for newly made parents: in which housing should a child be registered? By law, children under 14 years of age must be registered with one of their legal representatives. That is, with mom or dad. If the parents live together, both of them.

After 14 years, registration is possible with the permission of the parents, registration is allowed separately from legal representatives. But this case requires additional paperwork. In this case, you will need to obtain permission from the owner of the housing in which the teenager will be registered, as well as all residents of the apartment or house.

About housing rights at registration

What is needed to register a newborn? Not all citizens can afford their own housing. Someone is renting an apartment, someone is in the housing of relatives or friends. These are very common occurrences. But what about under such circumstances with the registration of babies?

Ownership of residential real estate in this case does not play any role. The law states that young children are required to register with one of the parents. So, you can register:

  • in your apartment;
  • with relatives;
  • in housing owned by third parties.

The main condition is that at least one legal representative of the baby must be registered in the relevant territory.

On consent to registration

Often people are interested in whether the consent of the owner to register a newborn is necessary. Not every homeowner is ready to impose such a serious burden on the apartment. It will be extremely difficult to write out small children.

Does the owner need permission to register a newborn? Not. If it is a question of registering minors under 14 years old together with legal representatives, asking for permission is not required. Parents of the baby should simply submit the application in the prescribed form to the authorized body.

Second Parent Consent

Of course, it is better to discuss in advance the registration of the baby in someone else's apartment. The law does not provide for such an obligation, but no one cancels human relations.

To issue or not

Does a newborn need a registration? This question is of interest to many new parents. The thing is that sometimes there is not enough time to assign a certain place of residence to a baby. I have to contact the authorized bodies, collect a certain package of documents. After childbirth, all this can cause a lot of trouble.

Does a newborn need a registration? Yes. All residents of Russia should have it. And no matter what registration will be - temporary or permanent. That is why it is necessary to think in advance about how and where to prescribe the baby.

What gives registration

And for what specific purposes is a newborn registered? In the case of adults, everything is simple - without registration a citizen can neither get a job, nor receive state and municipal services, nor order most of the documents.

Children need a residence permit so that:

  • have a home in which you can legally be;
  • receive public services through their legal representatives;
  • be able to receive certain documents;
  • line up for kindergarten;
  • Attach to the clinic at the place of registration;
  • enroll in school.

All listed services (except the first paragraph) can be received by the child, but through legal representatives. They are the parents, guardians or trustees.

Clearance time

What is the deadline for registering a newborn? This is another issue of concern to the parent of young children. Nobody wants to break the law, because then you will have to bear responsibility. For failure to meet the deadlines for registration of the registration of the baby's parents will be brought to administrative responsibility. She will be fined.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there are no clear instructions as to how much time is allocated for registration of registration for newborns. It is recommended that you clarify this information with your local administration, MFC or migration service.

In some cities, there is generally no strictly set aside residence permit without accountability for time. Citizens can apply for such a service when they need or will be convenient. But this is an extremely rare scenario.

Somewhere for registration of the baby give 30 days, and somewhere up to three months. If we are talking about re-registration, then housing will have to be found in a week. In practice, children are not being discharged anywhere.

At the same time, it is not entirely clear at what point the deadline for registration is calculated. Someone says that from the birthday of the baby, and someone claims that it is necessary to start from the date of registration of the newborn in the registry office. All this information must be specified in each region separately. The only way to avoid unnecessary problems.

Where to register

Employees of authorized bodies recommend not to hesitate with registration, even temporary. It is worth making a statement of the established pattern in the first month of the life of a new family member.

Punishment for lack of registration

What is needed to register a newborn? Some do not rush to design one, and then think about how to avoid responsibility. The thing is that the lack of a residence permit for a citizen, even for a small one, is a problem for both his legal representatives and the owner of the dwelling. It was previously said that the parents of the newborn will be brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine.

For the lack of timely registration, you will have to pay from 2 to 3 thousand rubles. If the violation was detected in the regions of federal significance (Moscow, St. Petersburg) - from 3 to 5 thousand. So much will be given by a person who does not have a registration in time, or the parents of an unregistered newborn.

Homeowners will also have to answer for such a violation of the law. They are fined 3-5 thousand rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine rises to 5-7 thousand.

Appeal of fines is possible within 10 days from the date of their appointment. Moreover, if there is a deadline for registration, it is understood that a citizen must submit an application for registration within a specified period of time. If this was done, the fine should be appealed in court.

Newborn Registration Certificate

Authorized Services

What is needed to register a newborn in an apartment? If the parents decide where exactly to register the baby, it is worthwhile to figure out which authorized bodies provide such services. They are not so few.

At the moment, registration can be issued through the following services and authorities:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • migration services;
  • passport desks;
  • management companies at the proposed place of registration (you need to contact the passport office);
  • passport and visa centers.

Registration through State Services is allowed, but in the case of newborns, this option is almost never used. It is much easier to cope with the task by contacting the authorized bodies personally.

Baby presence

Do I need a newborn at registration? Adults independently contact the authorized services for registration. So, their presence is mandatory. But what about children?

To register a child, his immediate presence is not required. But employees of authorized bodies may demand the appearance of both parents of the baby when applying. This helps to eliminate the disagreement of one of the legal representatives on registration not with him. In this case, usually a child is taken with him if he is not left with anyone at home.

Nevertheless, the absence of a newborn at registration is not a reason for denial of service. The main thing is to properly prepare for the service.

Quick guide - we personally contact the authorities

Does a newborn baby need a registration? Yes, it’s forbidden to be in Russia without it. Parents of the baby are required to register the baby. But how is this done?

Documents of the newborn

To cope with the task, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Check with the spouse (including civilian) the place of registration of the newborn.
  2. Register the baby in the registry office in the manner prescribed by law.
  3. Prepare the documents required for registration.
  4. Contact the authorized body and fill out the application for registration of the baby.
  5. Receive the certificate of the established form within the agreed time.

In fact, with proper preliminary preparation, achieving a quick result will not be so difficult. When applying, the applicant will be taken away the birth certificate of the baby. He will be given along with a certificate of registration.

"Public services" and registration

What is needed to register a newborn through the Internet? Usually this practice is rare, but it should not be ruled out. To start remote registration, you will first have to register at the State Service and confirm your identity.

After that, the legal representative of the baby should do the following:

  1. Select on the "State services" in the catalog of available electronic services the "UFMS" section.
  2. Click on the line "Registration of citizens".
  3. Choose the type of registration of the child.
  4. Enter the information requested by electronic form.
  5. Submit a processing request.

At the invitation received at the State Service, it will be necessary to come to the authorized body with pre-prepared certificates and pick up a certificate of registration.

Documents for registration in case parents live in one place

What documents are needed to register a newborn? It all depends on the specific case. First, consider the situation in which the mother and father of the child live in the same territory. More precisely, they have a residence permit in one housing.

Under such circumstances, you will need:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • statement;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • passport of the legal representative (the one who will apply with the application).

This will be enough. If the child has a citizenship insert, it must also be prepared.

Help for registration if parents have different registration

What documents are needed to register a newborn if his legal representatives are registered in different places? This is a more complicated case. It provides for more documents than the previous one.

Application for registration

In addition to the previously indicated certificates, you will have to additionally prepare:

  • a copy of the passport of the parent with whom the child will not be registered;
  • permission of the second legal representative to separately register the baby;
  • certificate that the newborn is not registered with the second parent.

In this case, the consent of the second parent must be notarized. Without this, the document will be considered invalid.

In order not to have to go to a notary public once again, you can go to the authorized service yourself by writing there in the presence of a representative of the FMS, MFC or passport office a permit of the established form.

How long does

What is needed to register a newborn is understandable. How long is the registration certificate issued in the established form?

Usually the application is considered for several days. Newborns are prescribed on average for 2-3 days. Only occasionally have to wait about a week.

In order not to encounter unjustified expectations, it is better to check this moment with the employees of the authorized service. They will tell you exactly how quickly they will register. Sometimes you have to wait only a few hours!


Does a newborn baby need a registration? Of course! Parents and the owner of the home in which the baby is located may be fined. This practice occurs, although not too often. In the table below you can see what papers you must have with you to register a baby, and which ones are not necessary.

List of documents for registration

Is a newborn required for registration of SNILS? She is often asked, but you can do without it. It is allowed to apply for SNILS at the place of actual residence or registration. Nevertheless, in real life, a citizen may not be issued an insurance pension certificate for a child if he is not registered anywhere. This is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

There is no need to pay for registration. This service is not subject to state duty. If the child’s parents require money for registration, you should fix a similar case and go to court or to the prosecutor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21584/

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